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The future of SN95SOURCE

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There have been a few recent developments behind the scenes. We are actively pursuing options to continue developing the forum and restore tapatalk useage. We have a support request ticket filed with tapatalk so, more on that when we have news. We realize that in an age rules by social media there is no easy way to compete with Facebook and such. We do, however, recognize the need to stay as up to date as possible and are seeking avenues to offer things such as:


1) Direct sharing to Facebook, Instagram, etc


2) Better mobile access and tapatalk support.


3) An easier to use format for the forum with a familiar feel


This place costs money to operate monthly. We thank each and every one of you who have made donations, it literally has kept this place running. I know you’ve heard this same topic a few times here and it normally means bad news but there is a silver lining this time. Starting yesterday, I have assumed all financial responsibility moving forward to relieve droptoppony of this burden. He has taken on new job responsibilities and simply doesn’t have the time to continue development here. He did an excellent job leading the charge and kept this place alive with your generous help. Thank you Bob, we will keep moving forward. Don’t be a stranger.




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49 minutes ago, Evilcw311 said:

I know a new start up company that may donate once or gets a lil further along......... but there will be random demands!!!!!  They may or may not involve a beer and boobies section.......... 🙂


I’m sure we can work something out for our supporting members. 

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6 hours ago, Funstang said:

Did any of these changes ever happen?


Being new around I don’t have a clue. :-)

Yes sir. We’ve implemented many changes in the last few years. The traffic has been slow but we have a cadre of OGs that stick around. 


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