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Youtube Motorsports Videos

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This is for any videos involving motorsports of any kind. Asphalt, concrete, dirt, AWD, FWD, RWD, Road racing, Drag Racing, two wheels, four wheels, crash's, street videos. As long as it has an engine and its fast post it up

I'll start it off with some mayhem from the racing world

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haha classic vid ferocious. That hill climb was insane I dont know how those guys do that!!! Reminds me of the MT Washington Hill climb record breaking run. I took my STI up the MT Washington Auto Road last summer but I was not doing any record breaking runs thats for sure lol. I'm not biased b/c it was done in a Subaru or anything :D

Speaking of twisty windy roads in N.H it also reminds me of Hurricane Mountain road which I also went on the same day as the MT Washington Auto Road. The road is known for being very narrow and twisty with sharp turns and drops and rises in elevation. The speed does not look all that impressive but I was going faster then what it looks like, was up to 50+ in some areas. But being my first time on this road and not knowing when/if cars were coming in the other direction I did not want to push it to hard. You will see how quick another car can come out of nowhere and there is only enough room for one car at a time as it is. This is only a seasonal road that is closed for the winter months. The quality kinda sucks b/c it was taken on my friends iphone but a Go Pro Camera is in the works and a revisit to the road this summer.

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