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Radar Detectors

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my buddy has the newest valentine and he swears by it. My thought is if you aren't fucking around why do you need it. but then again we all enjoy the spirited drive so why not!

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Sorry , no help here, I have been in Virginia for the last 16 years and they are illegal. So I just haul ass and hope I don't get stopped


I hid mine well when I was there lol

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Valentine is good, but not necessarily the best anymore. Ive done a lot of research and while valentine is good, the newer passport 9500ix is hard to beat. It has gps mapping to map out false alarms, and automatically learns to ignore them. It also maps out speed traps and red light cameras.

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Once you have used a Valentine, you will never use anything else. Go to the V1 website and read Mike Valentine's opinion on radartest.com. The man who writes the reviews for radartest is biased against the V1, because Mike Valentine wouldn't offer him a job. I've used almost every model there is, and nothing was even remotely close to the Valentine. It's the only one that has anywhere near enough range to give you a heads up on Liadar.


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Valentine is good, but not necessarily the best anymore. Ive done a lot of research and while valentine is good, the newer passport 9500ix is hard to beat. It has gps mapping to map out false alarms, and automatically learns to ignore them. It also maps out speed traps and red light cameras.

ive heard the same... that the escort is the best since it is capable of using gps.... and also lets you know where intersection video cameras are located.

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I know its an old thread but - I also have the Valentine V1. I'm definitely a fan. I'd say it paid for itself at least 5 times in tickets I have avoided. I also have an old radar detector in my truck - it is JUNK compared to the V1.

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I have a bell escort 9500Ci remote radar. Its supposed to be the bad-boy with GPS included and laser shifting. I have been waiting for the shifters to kick in and about a week before my wreck I rolled into a speed trap. I was rolling last in 3-4 cars when suddenly it alerted the front shifters had turned on. You want to talk about f'n priceless is seeing the cop in your mirror that is shooting laser, turn around and try to clock you from the back only to hear the rear shifter kick in..... WINNING!

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pretty sure any time they shoot laser and it comes up with an err on the same car front/rear that it doesn't matter if its undetectable to the VG2. Both detectors and laser shifters are legal here but not in Illinois next door.

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The GPS in the 9500ci just changes everything. No more false alarms after driving it for a few days as it learns the locations of the freqs and then locks them out. If there is a cop shooting from their parking lot though it will recognize that new freq and alert you. Also turns alerts off if you are under 20 mph. The little arrows on the V1 would be nice but I know when it goes off its real and someone is around.

Edited by ttocs
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I'm not against radar detectors but I don't like when people talk like they'll never get a ticket because they have one. I find it's just easier to drive within reason most of the time.

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I'm not against radar detectors but I don't like when people talk like they'll never get a ticket because they have one. I find it's just easier to drive within reason most of the time.

yeah they're just an aid, not a guarantee...

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I am not a crazy driver, but we have some STUPID speed limits around me with my hometown listed on speedtrap.com a few times. That is not all that strange since its in the downtown area on 100 yr old roads but then lets get on our expressway. I hope to hell there isn't one as stupid as ours, 15 miles and I think is 23 stoplights and a few 45 mph zones. Now the expressway goes east/west, the interstate that goes straight through north/south also has a large 45 mph zone and close to as many stoplights as the expressway. They never do anything right here. Nothing in this city makes sense until it doesn't make any cents. If they don't f-it up and fix it the 2nd time at 3x the cost, they just leave the problem there add a few more stoplights and welcome to E'ville, stoplight city.

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Here, they like to hide random 45MPH signs behind other, much much larger signs so if your in the far left lane in any form of traffic /light,med,heavy/ you can't see the speed change resulting in you being 33 over when it drops from 65 to 45 while you accelerate to get in the right lane to get on base.

ask me how I know.

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Here, they like to hide random 45MPH signs behind other, much much larger signs so if your in the far left lane in any form of traffic /light,med,heavy/ you can't see the speed change resulting in you being 33 over when it drops from 65 to 45 while you accelerate to get in the right lane to get on base.

ask me how I know.

Ok hunter, how do you know? lol

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me too but 45 on a 3 lane expressway, I might just happen to go 9 over.............. Unless I think they can't catch me :) Lets not all act like we don't go 5-10 over on a regular basis which is enough to get you pulled over and get a ticket. personally I prefer to know if there is a cop looking for a reason to pull people over, this is one easy way to often find them before they find you.

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hidden signs or not, most of the time we drive around the same roads and idk about you guys but I know the speed limits of all the roads i normally use and then some.

Not when you just PCS to a new base like I did. In fact, it was only my 4th or 5th time off base. First time on that street.

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oh for sure, i usually drive 5-10 over and i'm almost always being passed by other cars.

Not when you just PCS to a new base like I did. In fact, it was only my 4th or 5th time off base. First time on that street.

understandable, any time you're on an unfamiliar road its all the more reason you should be driving more cautiously rather than pushing the speed limit. I always end up driving slower on roads i'm not familiar with.

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I use escort/beltronics and have been really happy with both units. Early detection has saved me a couple times, certainly paid for it self within months of purchase.

In the Cobra

Escort Passport 8500 X50

In the fiancé's car

Beltronics V8

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