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Metal Gear Soild: Ground Zeroes.

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Looks as though there is going to be a re launch of the Metal Gear Solid series. While we were told Metal Gear Solid 4 would be the last it now does not appear that way, especially considering that Ground Zeroes is refereed to as the "prologue" to Metal Gear Solid 5. I believe this is the last hora for the current gen systems showing off what they actually are capable of. Its sad that these types of graphics are just now coming a long but also shows what the starting point of what the next gen systems will be. Also the new game is running on a new Engine called The Fox Engine. This demo is running on PC but is running at the current specs of the PS3/Xbox. I say Xbox b/c for the first time a major title Metal Gear solid game will appear on both the Xbox and PC as well, some have appeareard on the Xbox before but they were side games not the major games such as MGS4,3, Sons of liberty..exc exc..

Well now to the good stuff. Here is a demo of the new game and also for those who are big Heido Kojima fans there is also an hr long interview about metal gear rising, Ground Zeroes and the future of the metal gear franchise.

New Demo footage of the game


Interview with Heido Kojima


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