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The Not Working On Mustang Projects

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I was very exciting to be staying at my parents house last week to watch the dogs.  I knew I would be able to get some things done in the garage as the Jeep needed a once over and the Mustang needs to have the brake lines put in.  Well all of that was put to a halt last Thursday night when their shower leaked all over the bathroom.  It poured down the open grout cracks, through the plywood and all over the ceiling in their family room.  Being as they were in the Dominican boozing it up and living the high life I didn't have the heart to tell them and ruin their vacation.  So this is not the first time this happened, the toilet in that bathroom kept running one night and overfilled the bowl this time last year. 


To start this all off, it snowed a shit ton for the first time this season which started off the shit show.  Then that night when I was taking a nice hot shower, after being outside all morning, the shower leaked all over their bathroom floor.  Queue disaster.  


Beautiful snowfall: 







Decided to make cupcakes.  Went out to the store, grabbed some cake mix and stuff to make the icing.  Not bad for not knowing what the fuck I'm doing at all.  




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They just look like a bunch of poop emojis, and the dogs approved!


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After this the night began!  ... and was destroyed that quickly.  





Before the night was finished we had cut most of the ceiling out to expose on the wet joists and all the wet drywall.  I can't believe how much it traveled but it went all the way to the basement also. 





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Let everything dry over night and went to The Depot early Friday morning to get the materials.  All in all I spent about $215.00 for drywall, paint, wood, spackle, caulk and misc. items so I don't think it was too bad.  After the demo the night before I thought it very important to quarantine the area to minimize dust throughout the house.  Closed off the return vents and closed the supply vents then completely encased the area in plastic to keep the dust and dirt contained. It took a long time but definitely worth the time spent as cleanup took no time at all.  


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I then squared off all the rough cuts and got to drywalling.  Hailey and I lugged each piece to the ceiling by hand on ladders so credit to her for being a champ and kicking ass!  



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We both sat back and marveled at our accomplishments!

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I spackled and let everything sit overnight.  Went to paint the next morning and the color clearly didn't match.  I took a "wet" piece of drywall to have matched so the color was much darker



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However crisis averted when I realized my parents had 3/4's of a gallon of the paint they used downstairs in the basement.  Problem solved!








All in all it wasn't bad but I did have to trash my plans to work on the Mustang.  Oh well.  Hopefully next time I get up there I won't have this many issues.





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The real question is... are you telling your parents, or are you going to do like any good son and hold this over their head until such time as they have something equal or greater on you?

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3 hours ago, Psychorugby said:

The real question is... are you telling your parents, or are you going to do like any good son and hold this over their head until such time as they have something equal or greater on you?


2 hours ago, Tabres said:

Damn, you're a good son.  I would have done the same but I know a ton of people who would have just left it and let their parents worry about it when they got home.



Hahahaha I didn't tell them right away.  But when they got home they slowly started to figure it out.  Both my parents are OCD AF so when they saw the clear silicon around the tub and that one of the pictures was uneven they started finishing the puzzle.  They were good about it though!  There was no way I would of left this in shambles, could not do that to my parents after all they've done for me.  I already have their garage a mess so the family room a mess would not be cool.  

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Great work on that repair! I can feel your pain, as ceiling work is especially miserable.


Shoulda just sent a pic with the drywall all cut out, no explanation and no response when they ask. Then send a picture of it finished a couple days later lol.

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