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One and done maybe? The X1 reveal has been met with harsh criticism rampant rumors and speculation. While not all rumors have proved to be true some are. I would like to do a fair comparison between the new X1 and PS4 and we will be able to do so after E3 in early June but as of now there are not many positives about the X1. Here are some of the issues that I have been reading about the X1.

- Looks like a cable box with the Xbox logo stuck onto it. ( opinion )

- Cannot play a game you bought new on another system w/ out being logged onto your account name. Meaning you cant let a friend borrow a game w/ out him playing it under your log in info. ( confirmed )

- X1 will have to be connected online at least once every 24 hrs ( some what true, still need more clarification on why )

- When you buy a game then trade it in it can only be at stores that are set up to connect to the M$ online service so that game can be shown as being traded in and all info about it can be scrubbed by M$ and when the game is resold M$ now wants a cut in profit ( Confirmed ) what will this do to the used game industry? How high will used games now cost so that the retailer and M$ gets their cut? No longer can you buy used games at pawn shops or locally online though sits like craigslist.

- M$ has turned the console more into a media hub w / useless apps and have left the core gamer behind ( this seems to be true more then not )

The Xbox forums are buzzing with pissed off gamers and the PS4 forums are getting people over there that have already jumped ship. Guess then went from "Jumping in" to "Jumping ship" lol. Some of the other things I have seen have been comments such as it is called the Xbox one b/c they took 359 steps back lol. Like I said so far there is just a lot of rumors but M$ did not do a good job of being very clear on some aspects of the console, so shame on them. I did see this video which I think sums it up well. So for now I will leave it at this.


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I'd have to agree with pretty much everything he said. First of all, if the X1 is anything like the 360, you're not going to want to use it for anything other than gaming. Good performing console processors produce a lot of heat, which means a lot of cooling. My 360 sounds like you started a turbine engine when it's running. I don't want to listen to that while I'm watching TV. If you want something to do apps and TV, buy a dedicated multimedia box for just that. You can get them for under $100. A console like the Xbox or PS4 is $600 with a limited lifespan. It's only a matter of time before the processors and the board start to fail. So why waste time on that investment watching tv, or goofing off on facebook. They should spend their time figuring out how to make the processors run more consistently.


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I agree. I'm looking at getting a stand alone 3D Blu ray player and surround sound system bc I do not want to use the PS4 for watching Blu ray movies. Just more wear and tear on the system even though my PS3 has held up well and I could always use my PS3 as a Blu ray player.

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I skipped the whole blue ray thing. I keep all of my movies on hard drives. The idea of getting up and putting a disk into a machine to watch something feels so antiquated to me now. There is a company on Amazon that sells refurbed WD Live TV boxes for $68/each. I have one on every TV.


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I like having actual physical movies even though the industry ( Movies and games ) is moving towards digital down loads more so then physical discs. The next storage medium will not be a disc better then blu ray ( although I thought I read something about Red Ray Discs ) but IMO more to digital media. I dont think the generation of consoles beyond what we have coming out now will all be digital download but I think it will be a big part of it. It would not superise me if we did not see whole games offered as a down load ( I mean bigger production games not just indie or PSN store games ) this time around.

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My 360 sounds like you started a turbine engine when it's running.

Hahahaha this is 100% truth. I have the Nyko Intercooler on the back of my 360 and while it does help keep it cool, it is damn loud. Sometimes my wife will be asleep on the couch and I'll think "Oh cool, I'll play some Forza 4" then I crank up the old 360 turbine and it wakes her up lol.

From the OP here, I will pass on the new Xbox. Looks like we'll be migrating to PS4 (we already have both a PS3 and 360 because for some reason there are still some games not offered for both).

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Yeah this is true but I play a lot of MMO, anything else is usually a waste of my time. I mean most games take hours to beat so I just wasted $60 on a game that took no time to beat. Least MMO's are never ending and always have something going on. Oh and if I want to race I have iRacing and Forza and Gran Turismo can't touch that simulator.

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Yeah this is true but I play a lot of MMO, anything else is usually a waste of my time. I mean most games take hours to beat so I just wasted $60 on a game that took no time to beat. Least MMO's are never ending and always have something going on. Oh and if I want to race I have iRacing and Forza and Gran Turismo can't touch that simulator.

We all have our different tastes which is good. I usually get a lot out of any game I buy but have not done many MMO's. I have heard a little about iracing it seems realy intense.

Completely hate Xbox so to read this makes me happy.

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Your my new best friend.

you sir, just saved me from buying one. fuck that noise. guess i can finally get back into the killzone series.

Well dont take it for gospel quiet yet but from what I can see I dont think this ship set sail in the right direction. The system needing to be online at least once every 24 hrs is confirmed but they have yet to say why. Why do you want to make a console a central media hub and require it to check into their servers once every 24 hrs???? Very odd and suspicious to me. What kind of marketing junk will be thrown my way b/c of what info they gather from my internet browsing history ad TV watching habits?

M$ has become very sketchy on their repsonses regarding questions about the system as well. I dont like the idea of the kinect having to be hooked up to the system in order to play anything on it. Can you imagine its bottom of the 9th 3 balls two strikes bases loaded..... 4th and goal from the 5 yard line score being 20-24 and there is a room full of guys all playing drinking and having a good time and the pitch is thrown....and the ball is hiked.... and that one asshole that is always in the group yells out XBOX OFF!!!! ..... yeah great idea M$

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haha. I just dont like the way M$ conducts business they rely heavily on third party support for games and do so by writing the bigger check. Yes that is business but your main focus should be on your first party system games, not buying out EA and getting DLC for COD games first b/c you paid for it. I dont like the fact that it seems they have taken the stance of that they do not have to sell the X1 as a console b/c its just going to sell itself so lets focus more on all these other things it can do and just run the gamers through the ringer. I know when it all boils down to it Sony and Microsoft are in this to make money and they are going to do what makes them money, I just like how Sony goes about it more so then Microsoft.

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The system needing to be online at least once every 24 hrs is confirmed but they have yet to say why. Why do you want to make a console a central media hub and require it to check into their servers once every 24 hrs???? Very odd and suspicious to me. What kind of marketing junk will be thrown my way b/c of what info they gather from my internet browsing history ad TV watching habits?

Yeah I did not call that one or anything.


Granted anytime I look up anything on Amazon I see banner ads on other sites I go to showing the same thing I looked up online but its a little un nerving having my game console watch me and track where I go and what I watch and where I look. Little to much big brother right in the living room if you ask me.

It almost seems to me like a small piece of a greater overall scheme by M$. Kinda like with gun control, take the evil black guns first b/c they are an easy target but the real goal is all the guns. In this case lets put something like a simple console in the living room and have it track users 24/7....but what is the bigger goal down the line?

Edited by Venom351R
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I agree i will not get a X1 until a few months after release and i see that they have fixed some stuff, backwards compatible, the used game deal, and ive heard the camera stays on and is accessible through network. I dont want a spy camera in my house.


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I agree i will not get a X1 until a few months after release and i see that they have fixed some stuff, backwards compatible, the used game deal, and ive heard the camera stays on and is accessible through network. I dont want a spy camera in my house.


Kncklehead they are not "fixing" backwards compatibility its not an option at all. Neither system is going to have this option. M$ is not "fixing" the used game deal b/c this is how it is going to work. You will not be able to trade in a game unless it is at a store that is linked to the M$ servers so that the game can be registered as being traded back in and scrubbed from their servers for resale. No longer do you "own" your game its now just a rental. You will not be able to jump onto craigslist and sell your used game bc that game is now linked and tied into your system and no one else can play it unless its under your user name / account.

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Like i said until it releases and is in peoples hands all of this is just talk. They can change anything they want at any given time before the release. I will wait until a few months after its out before i even consider getting one especially of all this talk is true then i will never own one ill stick with my 360


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lol you still don't get it. They are not changing anything. this is not "speculation" this is conformation directly from Microsoft that the system is not backwards compatible. Yes some rumors are unfounded but this is not one of them. Neither next gen system is backwards compatible. This is not something they can just change on whim, the make up of the systems are already done they cant go back and make major changes now as far as making it backwards compatible.

Good luck sticking with your 360 b/c if they do what the did with the first Xbox then the support for your 360 will drop rapidly as soon as the Xboxone is released.

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Two weeks after the reveal of the XB1 which was met with horrid criticism M$ now releases some info to clear things up but mostly looks like PR Bullshit. I'll let Angry Joe explain all of this to you and why all of these new features of the XB1 are just a complete load of crap. To the Xbot's this will mean nothing as a GAMER it outrages me and not b/c I hate M$ but b/c this is WHY I hate M$. I never liked them from the start when they hit the console market and started to charge for online gaming. So on top of your internet bill you have to pay M$ to use your internet to use their service. And as you can see with the XB1 it is chalk full of more fee's to screw the gamer. I see the first Xbox and the 360 as baby steps to get to where we are now w/ the XB1. They start out small with only charging for online.....well ok no big deal I can dish out $50 a yr for Xbox live is what most gamers figured. Now they are met with all kinds of restrictions on what the can and cant do with a product they are already bought. The fact remains that not all people have reliable internet or have the internet and still like to play games, M$ pretty much told them to go screw as they have with Indie game developers, Red Box, gamefly and the used game market. This is why I fucking despise this greedy company that cares about nothing except the bottom dollar, they dont give a flying fuck about anyone who has been with them from the start b/c all of this restrictive crap is all proof of that. Anyway, onto Angry Joe for his take.....

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XB1 is $100 more, you have to check in, you have to be online to play off line, you have to use the kenict costs $10 more per month to watch Nextflix. Sony gave M$ the gun and pointed it at their foot and M$ willingly pulled the trigger

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So I wanted to see about any of negative feedback after their E3 conference so I strolled on over to the Xbox forums and to the XB1 section and found this on the first page, I cant help but laugh lol


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lol I mean seriously how bad is it when they have to make a thread that is specifically for positive feedback about the system lol. And even the mods had to go in there and set things straight. I did not mean for this to turn into a bash the XB1 thread b/c I wanted a good next gen console debate and comparison but hell what good is there to say about the 1980's VCR at this point?

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Yeah exactly. Even though Xbots are rejoicing the stance is not the same everywhere. Some harsh words from IGN


Microsoft is just playing to the wind. They are reacting to the horrible press and backlash they received and are trying to right the ship. While that is respectable, the past isn't so easy forgettable. You can't forget the fact that they tried to force us into these new laws and that people would suffer for no real, valid, reason.

We will have to see how this all plays out in the end, but one thing remains true. Microsoft has embodied the cold, heartless, company persona and it's a true shame to see. They have a great product and these restrictions should never have been there in the first place.

I appreciate that Microsoft did listen and this will benefit both of us come November. That being said, we now know the true face of Microsoft.

The Xbot forums have had a shot of adrenaline after its members being on life support for a few weeks. They are all smitten over the XB1 now, it is as if Master Chief himself decended from the heavens and fought back the evils of M$ and now they are all bowing in loyalty and submission to M$ once again

This changes nothing IMO, Before this about face myself and many others ( and so did IGN but they could not publicly say it ) knew that M$ was a greedy controlling company who does not care about gamers only about controlling and shaping console gaming as they see fit. If Sony was not around or had the same restrictions and DRM policy's as M$ then its not as if they would have changed their stance on this. They did not pull back from all of these policy's for the good of the gamer. They did it b/c after the severe back lash they were getting it was apparent that Sony was going to pound them into submission right out of the gate for the entire generation of these consoles. M$ is still evil and cannot be trusted. They still want DRM and all the restrictions but they tried to much all at once. They will now slowly try and back door this stuff packaged as something else piece by piece slowly at a time.

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Copy and Past from another post I made elsewhere.

Ive had time to read more articles on this and more response from M$ and the more I think about it the more pissed off I get with how arrogant this company is and how they try to take all this bullshit and put a positive PR spin onto it. M$ has said how they listen to the gamers and that their feedback is important ( thus hinting at why the changes were made ) But lets look past the PR marketing bullshit and and take this for what its really worth. If customer feedback is so important and you listen to your customer base then why were these DRM policy's and restrictions implemented in the first place? During the years of the years of the 360 where were all the cry's for the inconvenience of being able to trade in or sell your game as you see fit, where were the outbursts of having to play your games offline and not having to have the internet / Kinect connected 24/7. Where were the thousands of comments saying we all want a kinect bundled with the new sexbox (not a typo) and we are ok with paying for more on the next console VS the competition.

I see it a win for gamers and "the little guy" that the guys on the xbox side were able to reverse the decisions of a bunch of figure head board members sitting at a round table thinking they know whats best us as far as gaming. But its the arrogance outright bull$hit that they try and spin it as though they care about the gamers to begin with. Dont sit there and tell us that you give a shit about any gamer just after you spit in the face of everyone in the gaming community. Come out and say you screwed up and that the wrong decisions were made and management changes are in the process. I understand they are going to try to put as much of a positive PR spin on it as much as possible to try and curb the back lash but it only proves how little integrity and basic morals M$ has as a company.

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M$ has since cleaned house, Don Mattack ( not sure if his last name is correct I did not look it up, the guy that said if you want a system that plays games off line we have the X Box 360, yeah that guy ) has since been let go by M$ and many other management changes have since been made as well. Does not change the fact that M$ still put these people in charge and when all these details about the system were released as far as the DRM and restrictions M$ as a whole still thought it was a good idea and went ahead with it, these people were the fall guys ( and rightfully so ) but it does not change the core of what M$ is really about.

Beyond that for those of you who still want the crapbox one the release date has been announced for Nov 22ed, one week after the PS4 launch.

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