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Trip to Pitt.

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Took a trip out to Pittsburgh last weekend to watch a little hockey and get fitted for suits.  It's no mystery that I completely hate every sports team home to this city so I was a little skeptical about visiting. :P


We got into the city late Saturday night so we briefly drove past the observation areas on Mt. Washington and straight to the in-laws.  They live right on the mountain so after a good nights rest we took a stroll from their house to the observation areas. 








From there we took the "Incline" down off the mountain to where we had a car service pick us up and drive into the city for breakfast. 









We ate at a little place called "Deluca's" in the city, great breakfast!  We obviously got a little slag for wearing the Black and Orange but that was expected, and we weren't alone!  As we walked out there were a few intelligent hockey fans wearing Flyers gear  ;).  After breakfast we went to what I would equate to the "Reading Terminal Market" here in Phila, just a little smaller.  The smell was immaculate when you entered the place, fresh fish and shell fish everywhere, so good.  Walked to the one back corner to see them filleting up fresh fish.












We were then introduced to this amazing place. 





Where they made mini-donuts, ridiculously good ones at that.  






....yes, that's bacon!




We then got back in the car for a little tour around the city.  Went to Heinz field, PNC Park and pretty much up and down every street in the city.  This building stuck out in my mind because it pretty much describes what Pittsburgh was all about, Steel.  All exposed steel structure really gave it that tough nostalgic feel, hard to explain.   






Then it was off to the Consol Energy Center to watch the Flyers put a pounding on the Penguins.  Really liked the stadium as a venue, It's no Wells Fargo Center but it works.  It has kindof an "open concept" design if you will.  Walking around the lower concourse you can see right through to the other side for the most part, made it feel more open. 









Made sure to protect my hands from the Penguins cups they served beer in






After the game it was off to "Primanti Bros." to grab dinner.  I was told this was one of Pittsburgh's famous, similar to how Pat's and Geno's is here in Phila (and just as overrated) but it's one of those things you have to do.  I had the "balony" and cheese, that's how they spelled it?!  Made sure I had plenty of IC Light to wash it down with!







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I would of pushed the dude in the Crybaby i mean Crosby jersey over the edge.  Just saying.   <_<


Lol that's my brother in law, my sister would be very angry with me. :wacko:




nice pics, i want that bacon donut.



It was delish!  Highly recommend.

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Looks like fun. I love me a bacon doughtnut, we have Voodoo doughnuts here where I live and they are famous for their bacon maple... Even a local beer made from it at Rogue River Brewery, but its tastes like ass so I dont suggest it. 


Thanks for sharing!

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Good to see you popped your Primanti cherry! And Deluca's is some good stuff! Another badass building downtown is the convention center, it cantilevers out over the road by the river and another road passes underneath it, pretty amazing piece of architecture, they have all the auto shows there.

I didn't know a fellow SN95er was coming to town, you were about 10 minutes from my house!

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All the food I had was delish, was very happy. I heard all about that convention center but never got a chance to really see it! Kindof disappointed but oh well.

More than likely I drove somewhat near your house lol. After Primanti's my bro in law guided us all around, through a bunch of different burbs, went through multiple ghettos and cruised through U of Pitts campus. I wish I was there for more then a day and a half, would of def messaged you.

Sent from Space

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Sacrifices need to be made.  That or your sister should be banished from the family.  


When it comes to Hockey, she basically is.  Although I give her a lot of credit because since meeting him she's grown to know a lot about Hockey.  Definitely caught me by surprise!




very cool pics! pittsburgh looks allot like cols. downtown sits right on a huge river and everything is brown right now lol. 


Yeah it was a little dreary but it is still winter.  I want to go back during the late spring/early summer months to see everything grown in, it's probably way nicer.

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Yeah it was a little dreary but it is still winter.  I want to go back during the late spring/early summer months to see everything grown in, it's probably way nicer.

yea it has allot of grass and trees surrounding the downtown so i bet it would look nice!

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Yeah it was a little dreary but it is still winter.  I want to go back during the late spring/early summer months to see everything grown in, it's probably way nicer.


If you come back during the summer hopefully I'll have the OCD machine finished up and I can take you on a blast through the Ft. Pitt Tunnels :2thumb:


yea it has allot of grass and trees surrounding the downtown so i bet it would look nice!


Yea once things start to bloom it's really nice. There's a big park by the fountain on the point that they have festivals in somewhat often, I've wandered around that park many times cramming various fried delicacies in my face lol.



I would of pushed the dude in the Crybaby i mean Crosby jersey over the edge.  Just saying.   <_<


You wouldn't like it here very much then Steve, seems like 9 out of 10 people on the street are wearing either a Pens or Steelers jersey lol. I'm not one of them, in fact I'm not a sports fan whatsoever so I'm about as neutral as it gets! haha.

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Yea once things start to bloom it's really nice. There's a big park by the fountain on the point that they have festivals in somewhat often, I've wandered around that park many times cramming various fried delicacies in my face lol.






we have a fountain thingy here too that holds several different types of festivals lol. it really is kinda strange how much the 2 cities resemble each other. my friends all think i'm crazy for living in downtown columbus but that's because they don't realize how safe it actually is and i wouldn't live anywhere else. i see everything here lol. haven't missed a single festival/free concert in bicentennial park in years lol. 



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If you come back during the summer hopefully I'll have the OCD machine finished up and I can take you on a blast through the Ft. Pitt Tunnels :2thumb:



This sounds good to me lol!  I might be deaf afterwards but it would be totally worth it! B-)

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You wouldn't like it here very much then Steve, seems like 9 out of 10 people on the street are wearing either a Pens or Steelers jersey lol. I'm not one of them, in fact I'm not a sports fan whatsoever so I'm about as neutral as it gets! haha.

That is why I'm not leaving your garage when I come out that way. 

You already know this but I had dinner with Josh from Ridetech last night and hopefully we'll see that beast of yours soon on all fours moving under its own power, low and slow :)

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This sounds good to me lol!  I might be deaf afterwards but it would be totally worth it! B-)



road trip to dan's place!!  we'll stop and pick up @Yeahloh95 on the way


Sounds like it'll be more like a shuttle type situation, everyone waiting in my driveway while I take one person out at a time lol.


That is why I'm not leaving your garage when I come out that way. 

You already know this but I had dinner with Josh from Ridetech last night and hopefully we'll see that beast of yours soon on all fours moving under its own power, low and slow :)


Yep, hopefully in the next few weeks I can finally pull the coilovers off the car. I was holding off pulling them off and selling them until I had the bags in hand because with my luck, something would happen and they would halt production, then I'd have no suspension lol.


nice pics i was born there so i have a littsle soft spot for the city even though i live in the country now



Trust me Troy, if there was an industrial design job for me out in your neck of the woods I'd gladly rather live there. I love the excitement of the city and this is where my career led me, but I'm a West Virginian country boy at heart and I still have a hard time with people being piled on top of me everywhere I go. I grew up riding motocross bikes in the back yard and sighting in .30-06's from my parents' back porch... a far cry from my current neighborhood to say the least. If I even fart too loud in my driveway, someone's on the phone with the homeowner's association lol. I'm sure they love it when I'm grinding metal till 1am sometimes but oh well, fuck 'em. I bet half of them forgot I have a mustang since it's been so long since it's been out of the garage. Can't wait to reintroduce them with the added help of cutouts this year ;)

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