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Popping the Question

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Well guys i have been with my girlfriend now for 5 years and she has been my rock and shes been through the good, when i got signed to play baseball, and through the bad when i was told i was going to be paralyzed from my accident. Are relationship has been nothing but great and its time for me to take it to the next level, so on Christmas morning i am going to be proposing to her. I hope it goes well and am very freaking nervous.

If i don't come on and post before then Wish you all a Merry Christmas and have a blessed day with you love ones.

-Drake :Smiley-1:

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Good luck buddy!! I'm on my second marriage, it's fun, every time!! Ok, but seriously, good luck, enjoy it!!

Few notes..

1. Happy wife, happy life!

2. When your right, your wrong..

3. Most importantly!! Never go to bed on a bad note!! You never know if it's the last night you'll say good night!

4. Love her like its your last day together!!

5. Always let her know you love her before you and/or her leave each others company!

6. Always kiss her goodnight!!

Sent from my iPhone

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Good luck buddy!! I'm on my second marriage, it's fun, every time!! Ok, but seriously, good luck, enjoy it!!

Few notes..

1. Happy wife, happy life!

2. When your right, your wrong..

3. Most importantly!! Never go to bed on a bad note!! You never know if it's the last night you'll say good night!

4. Love her like its your last day together!!

5. Always let her know you love her before you and/or her leave each others company!

6. Always kiss her goodnight!!

Sent from my iPhone

7. when she tells you to shut up, ...............

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well good news she said yes.... Thank god i was so nervous the morning of i felt like i was going to throw up, but was a Geddy 5 year old kid also. So it ended up being a great Christmas was on the phone most of the day calling and texting people couldn't be happier. She's really sad though because we had to have the jeweler size it for her and its going to take a week or so.

-drake :party2::drinktothat:

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i know right.... rio i had to sit her down and tell her " im not selling my toys so dont get any ideas" and she just looked at me and laughed. Leah gets so pissed with how i buy and sell cars so she actually wants me to keep this one.

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